The current capitalist mindset is that many want to believe that 'business as usual' is a good thing, growth without regulation is a good thing -- but at what moral cost? Not just outwardly but our own moral code.
We are all learning that a lot of rich people are unethical -- but the dots not getting connected in this day of 'free market/disaster capitalism' is that people become rich by BEING unethical. This system makes more by destroying, robbing, defrauding and marginalizing everyone. Me, you, your wife, husband, daughter, son...and it will be far, far worse for their kids if we ignore it. No matter what color you are.
There is no honor to be salvaged from this system. Americans need to break ties in this co-dependent relationship with an abuser. And stop defending it and apologizing for it because it DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. I know it comes back and says nice things but that's what abusers do -- lulling you into a false sense of security before it snatches your pension, your healthcare, or takes your house. No matter what color you are.
And by defending the abuser, it has made a society not just financially but morally bankrupt. Ready to sell our own souls, sell out our own neighbors, wives/mothers/sisters, our children to be what? Part of the 1%? Part of a cacophony of paid parrots? What are we, trained monkeys pulling levers for an 'atta boy' moment of fleeting bottom-feeding jocularity? Or are we really as delusional as Steinbeck described -- a country of 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' -- no matter what color we are?
What happened to standing tall and proud of being from this country? I'll tell you what happened -- our backs are hunched over trying to prop up a free market dead corpse with a flag in its hand. It's not one man's fault. It is the entire system -- the entire two-party corporate Frankenstein that we've created has run loose through our country, our media, our workplace, our environment, our homes -- I have seen people who have been neighbors for decades that can barely talk to each other today. Even people of the same color.
I personally think that many good people, both religious and secular are embarrassed by the Uncle Sam monster -- the giant, lumbering, senile, oil addict that we no longer invite to parties or conversation -- we pity it because we want it to stop stealing and molesting and abusing -- we still love it because of what it once represented in us. Now a shell of it's former self, it is having a nervous breakdown -- it's time to move forward and quit encouraging the pity party.
People make a rule in some cases to refrain from speaking about politics and religion altogether before gathering -- just to avoid the ugliness of discourse that seems to be rehashed every week of perpetual campaigning. Aren't we sick of it? Aren't we better than those political poo-flinging, rich dolts who have their speeches written FOR them? The people who gather with this rule in place are able to enjoy themselves -- but the system doesn't want us to behave civilly with one another. It prefers we abuse each other the way it abuses us. No matter what color we are.
NOW they have us arguing with each other about basic things that we all should have learned in kindergarten! Media asking us to believe that the law doesn't work for all Americans -- only white ones? I mean, C'MON! An American is an American. Soldiers of all colors, creeds and denominations fight for ALL OF US. No matter what color, creed or denomination YOU are, they take an oath to defend YOUR constitutional rights -- not to defend politicians and media who would demean any soldier of color [and sex, I might add], so why ARE YOU participating in such UnAmerican hooey?!
If you say you support our troops -- does that mean only some of them? Only black soldiers or white soldiers? Does that mean you only think that some parts of the Constitution apply or are worth dying for? I can't imagine any soldier taking a half-assed oath like that when it means possible loss of life, not just the liberty it affords us ALL to enjoy. The only reason media spews the poison it spews is because they do it from on high, from a place of moneyed safety. The owners of this system laugh while they watch us scramble and pick each other apart like pawns in some sick Roman game. Mainstream media has offended and dishonored the place that was given to them by the Constitution. They are paid poo flinging monkeys, just like politicians. NO MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY ARE.
Why would you spew their garbage? You aren't paid to do the bidding of the 1%, are you?
So I ask, what if Zimmerman had shot a different man in a hoodie -- a black soldier home from leave? Do you still think he would have 'stood down' when the cops told him 'not to pursue'? No, because it is the hoodie that would have kept his identity hidden from view -- it could have been anyone under that hoodie. Zimmerman knew he was black...what other reason was given by him to pursue?
So, would we be talking about whether an unarmed soldier had problems in school, or if he looked like Michael Jackson compared to a different profile pic he didn't like maybe? We've all taken bad ID pics -- a few of mine don't look a damn thing like me.
I saw the video of Zimmerman being brought in. He claimed his nose was broken. He lied.
Ask anyone who has had their nose broken or has seen one. His shirt would have been soaked with blood and he would have been taken to a hospital.
I mean, really, if you want to nitpick about non-issues and avoid the larger picture -- that an UNARMED YOUNG AMERICAN DIED -- and think those non-issues have bearing on any actual critical investigation -- you're either A) a fucking racist or B) you are brainwashed by watching racist propaganda.
Here's the kicker -- no one can tell those things apart.
We're better than this system -- we are NOT the system. We are not robots or borgs, so please stop behaving like you don't have a bit of sense to call your own -- because you DO.
I used to think the worst curse word in the English language was cunt. Right now, it pains me to think that word is too good for Americans -- we lack the depth and the warmth that word implies. I no longer have pity for the The Uncle Sam monster or his old, pruned-faced, Jim Crow cheerleaders that should have retired after the cold war ended.
Yes. The cold war is over. Uncle Sam is still addicted to that, too. If you get between him and the last of the oil that is running out, question his actions or exercise your right to free assembly -- he'll bully you and call you a terrorist. He's a dangerous, senile junkie who has been strung out by the 1%. He might even throw you in jail or shoot you if you piss him off. I don't know if he can be rehabilitated...but I do know that if Americans don't get their collective shit together, he will take us all off a cliff with him. No matter what color we are.
Disaster capitalism is an equal opportunity abuser.