Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Road Home -- or the Road To Hell...

Greetings patrons.

Life circumstances dictate that I may need to ditch this venture.

The farm gig I started just a week ago has fallen through, for reasons that are so unbelievably stupid that I can barely imagine how people intend to function outside this culture while being tethered to the most problematic and destructive aspects of it...

Long story short, I can't assist these folks with any of their projects because one of them happens to be employed as a military contractor. [Hello, karma.] It is his clearance that dictates that they cannot have anyone living on site [their farm] while he's still employed by them, which means I can't be there.

I found this out a week AFTER quitting my regular online gig, and moving a third of my belongings and settling in. I was told, "I forgot to report to my bosses that you moved in, so you have to go or I lose my job."

This was obviously not something he thought through and I certainly didn't think to ask about such a scenario. It isn't my farm and what he does for a living was none of my business. I was hired to help develop a side business, implement some permaculture design and work on farm projects, like a produce stand, in exchange for room and board.

The moral? People who think they are free still aren't woke enough to see their own chains.

I'd love to keep doing the media work but I need to earn at least $200 a month to continue. Right now, I need to hustle to find work and see about another living situation later this week. No matter how good I feel my media analysis is, no media work is conducive to surviving a collapsing paradigm. [Or capitalism for that matter.]

It's true what they say...the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I need to focus more on my own actions than intentions or words now. I hope to be back here later in the fall. Thank for your understanding.

Sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do.
Love and rocket stoves,

If anyone would like to assist directly to see me back here sooner, you may donate directly at: || I'll update on Twitter when I can. This is my last post for awhile.

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TRC features media analysis, social critiques and spiritual refreshments focused on the socio/cultural impacts of a post-9/11, post-carbon, ponzi scheme world teetering on the edge of mass awakening or mutually assured destruction.

In the spirit of mass awakening, the following types of comments will not be approved:

- Comments that criticize any class of people as a whole, especially when based on an attribute they don't have control over
- Comments that explicitly call for violence
- Comments with links to third party sites that are not relevant to the content of the conversation. No spam.
- Because we moderate comments does not mean we do not have a sense of humor. The Royal 'We', you know, the editorial...
- know...take it easy, man. We're all in this together.